Thursday, April 09, 2009

Review: A Dance in Time by Orna Ross

ISBN:978-1-944-88053-9 (Penguin Ireland, 2008)


An epic biography of figures famous and familiar woven into an autobiography of a mother written with "corrective" footnotes added by a disrespectful daughter.  Wonderful in its reality, A Dance in Time is chock full of characters you'll love and some you'll hate but not a single one who is not vibrant and alive.

But [then] Dolores dies.

I found the opening scene astonishing due to real life reflection complete with my [used to be] strawberry hair and my daughter's maddening "talk to the hand" attitude.  The book never read like fiction.  It held me fully in it from start to startling finish.


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Good review. Love the idea of the format of the book, using "correctional" footnotes. Pretty neat.

  2. Sounds worth checking into. Thanks for the good review.

  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

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